Psalms 92 – How Great Are Your Works!

English: Palm Tree in Sundankottai,Tamilnadu,India

English: Palm Tree in Sundankottai,Tamilnadu,India (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The superscription of this psalm proclaims it to be “a song for the Sabbath,” which indeed means it is most appropriate for praise and worship to the Lord.  It is a song which while praising the mighty works of the lord, acknowledges the pleasure and joy that worshiping him brings to the hearts of the righteous (verse 4).  The text rightly says that this is something that the fool (unbeliever) simply cannot understand (verse 6), and is to be pitied for it.

The horn in verse 10 is a symbol of power, stature and prosperity; and relates to the grace and generosity of the lord toward His servant.  The psalmist proclaims that the enemies of the Lord will perish, and notes that the righteous will “flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon.”  The significant statement on this (verse 23) is that they are”planted” in the house of the Lord (worship), but they flourish in the “courts of our God” (in His divine presence).

Read or listen to audio of ESV version of this selection from this link.

/Bob’s boy
some images © V. Gilbert & Arlisle F. Beers

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