About Bob’s boy

Who is Bob’s boy?

I am just a Christian man, married to my teenage sweetheart for over 35 years.  We have three grown children and six grand-children. I work in Information Technology for a manufacturing firm. Growing up, it often irritated me when people would just refer to me as “Bob’s boy.”  I “wear” the handle proudly now that he is gone.  I like to think he would be proud of me now, too.  I have no formal religious training – I am just another Christian, having been one for over 40 years.

I am also an author, having written four Christian books so far that are available in both paperback and electronic form at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iTunes store, and Google Play on your Android device. Check out my FB-f-Logo__blue_29 FanPage and give me a “Like” if you don’t mind. And please visit my website at RKBingham.com.

One of my other greatest passion is apologetics. I took a course a couple of decades ago, and have since spent literally hundreds upon hundreds of hours in self-study on the subject. We live today in the most remarkable of ages for defending the faith. In the last few years, the scientific fields have become our greatest friends in the area of Christian apologetics (contrary to what evolutionists would have us believe. It’s as if God has suddenly opened the door and let us peek in all of a sudden.

I also enjoy genealogy immensely, and have been fortunate enough to trace my parent’s roots back over 190 years so far. By presenting documentation of my lineage – including a deed to my great-great-great-grandparents signed by Anson Jones (President of the Republic of Texas before it became a state), I earned membership for both myself and my late father in the organization, the Sons of the Republic of Texas, founded in 1893 (Have to be able to prove that you are a descendant of a resident of Texas before it became a state in 1846). Since then, I have become a dual member by doing the same with my mother’s line. I am currently working on application to the Sons of the American Revolution.  I have been operating a genealogy website for several years (http://bornoftexas.com).

What do you get out of doing this blog anyway?

A couple of things.  The first and most obvious is personal growth.  I had hoped that by doing this, and staying committed to doing it, I will learn more and grow spiritually (I had no idea just how immensely I would be blessed in so many ways in such a short time). What else I hope for can best be explained by sharing a couple of the many things that I pray for every single day.  One of those is that God will guide me, and help me to share His word with others in a way that pleases Him.  And another is that God will defeat the selfish person inside of me – the one who wants and values so much materially, the one who tends to be unforgivably self-absorbed, the one who likes recognition from others and at times, even honor.  But instead to help me to seek glory and honor to His name, to lead others to serve Him, to encourage my brothers and sisters, and to love my neighbor more.  If you have enjoyed anything I’ve written on this site, I hope that you will pray for those things, too – both for me, and for yourself!

/Bob’s Boy


3 comments on “About Bob’s boy

  1. Great life story of falling in love with the Bible and finding life in its Words. I have a similar story — exposed as a child to the Bible in a Baptist school in NJ, but then caught up in work and then working hard for many years as a single mother of four, in 20001 was the first time I had free time for anything, when my last school went into boarding school. The first days I had free I read the Bible (something I had wanted to do all those years) and then could not stop, it was so compelling. there are unfathomable riches in reading this Word for then He who was in the beginning who was the Word, it is this Jesus who grows close to you. He said If you seek me, you will find me — it is a promise. He did not leave us as orphans but He sends His Spirit to us so we are not alone. may your effort always give glory to God and may you be blessed through it.

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